This is the official page to view photos and videos captured from the 4-H and FFA events from the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado. It includes moments from competitions, awards, and social activities. Watermarked portraits are included for free with your registration. If you would like to purchase the full library of pictures and the event movie, you can buy access for $20!
Pictures are only from Livestock Judging & Quiz Bowl Awards, Meat Judging Awards, and some extra portraits during contests. For portraits from other award banquets, please visit the Colorado 4-H website.
The movie preview will not be available until later this week.
Get a flash drive shipped to your home address that includes all of the event memories for $20 (free shipping included). You can order on PayPal below or by cash during the event. Once your flash drive arrives (expected late January), you will receive:
All of the event pictures: a full library of full-resolution unwatermarked portraits, awards, details, social activities, and more!
Event movie: get something entirely new never done before at any Roundup event. This cinematic movie will include interviews, competitions, award ceremonies, and everyone having a good time!
Order deadline to get free shipping - Extended: January 20th, 2025 (no exceptions!)
If you need pictures for an article or press release, we would be happy to provide you complimentary access to the pictures. Please contact Gabriel Dupon at or at 970-795-2856 for more info.